Content Diffusion and Evolution of US State Constitutions with NLP
Together with Nancy Miller (University of Dayton), Keith Hamm (Rice University), and the late Ron Hedlund (Northeastern), we had the goal of creating a digital history of all 154 adopted constitutions in the U.S. states and all of their amendments with the purpose of allowing researchers to track and visualize the evolution of constitutional text within states, as well as to compare across them.
The U.S. Constitutions Dataset (Miller et al., N.D.) is an original dataset that contains information of 111 state constitutions from 40 states and all of their amendments adopted between 1776 and 2020. The Miller. et al. (N.D.) dataset was built with data from The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and the Organic Laws of the State, Territories, and Colonies; Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America by Francis Newton Thorpe, The NBER/Maryland State Constitutions project and information from state government websites.